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Liposuction Surgical Procedure

Liposuction Surgical Procedure

Liposuction Surgical Procedure

Liposuction is a procedure that makes the body more uniform by using cutting-edge medical techniques to remove the built-up fat in particular areas of the body. Around the world, this method is created for purely aesthetic purposes. However, it is possible to treat some medical disorders as well as male gynecomastia with this procedure. Liposuction, also referred to as “body carving,” offers long-lasting ways to cut down on the number of fat cells that have multiplied as a result of weight gain.

The following body parts are candidates for liposuction: the abdomen, buttocks, arms, back, chin, and waist.

In addition to lowering the amount of fat cells, a medical suction machine removes fat from the body to give it a beautiful appearance from the outside.

Also, this operation is successfully performed in Euro-Asia Clinic, for years.

Who Can Perform Liposuction?

In Euro-Asia Clinic, , liposuction can be performed on patients who are at least 18 years old, in good health, and whose suitability has been determined by medical professionals. It’s crucial that people don’t have any immune system or blood pressure issues. The doctor will thoroughly examine the patient and assess their state of health.

During Liposuction

Depending on how much fat needs to be suctioned and the technique used, this treatment can take anywhere from one to six hours. Depending on the doctor’s recommendation, either local or general anesthesia will be used. Similar to other cosmetic procedures, the doctor’s experience is crucial, particularly when deciding how much fat needs to be suctioned and making sure it doesn’t exceed 5 liters to protect the patient’s health.
