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Facelift Operation

Facelift Operation

Facelift Operation

A facelift is a cosmetic procedure that makes the face look younger. This procedure gets rid of ridges or folds on the cheekbones, jaw, and other aging-related alterations to the face. In order to make the facial structure appear younger, the cheeks’ skin is pulled back during a facelift, and the subcutaneous tissue is surgically altered. The final shape is decided upon before the extra skin is eliminated. To remove fat and loose skin from the neck, a neck lift is frequently done in conjunction with a facelift.

effectively performs the facelift procedure that can enhance skin quality and appearance.

When Should a Facelift be Performed

The face changes throughout time and due to numerous natural aging-related factors. Skin loses its elasticity, and fat changes over the face, increasing in some places and decreasing in others.

The following changes can be fixed with a facelift: sagging cheeks, extra skin at the bottom of the jaw,

Skin sagging and extra fat in the neck, as well as the enlarged skin in the nose and oral regions.

Skin surface wrinkles, sun damage, upper lip and nose creases, and uneven skin tone cannot be treated with a facelift.

Follow the instructions: You’ll be given advice on which drugs to cease taking and when to do so. For instance, you could be requested to cease taking any vitamins or blood transfusions at least two weeks before surgery. Consult your doctor about the drugs you should take and whether your dosage has to be changed. Wash your face and hair: You might be instructed to use antibacterial soap to wash your face and hair the morning before the treatment.

Avoid eating: You will be instructed to abstain from eating anything after midnight on the eve of the procedure. You are permitted to hydrate yourself with water and use prescription drugs that your surgeon has authorized. Make plans for assistance during the healing process: If a facelift is done, make arrangements for someone to drive you home and stay with you the first night.
